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How to Vote

On Saturday, September 14, follow your ward's how to vote card to keep the Inner West Council working for you by keeping rates low, improving local services, and improving housing affordability.

Leichhardt HTV.png

Leichhardt (Gulgadya)

Vote 1 Group C above the line to re-elect Councillor Philippa Scott and Councillor Tim Stephens, and elect Emma Taksa-Grimshaw.

Balmain (Baludarri)

Vote 1 Group B above the line to re-elect Mayor Darcy Byrne, and elect Kerrie Fergusson and Brian Frankham.

Balmain HTV.png
Stanmore HTV.png

Stanmore (Damun)

Vote 1 Group A above the line to re-elect Deputy Mayor Chloe Smith, and elect Vicky Clay and Mits Delisle.

Ashfield HTV.png

Ashfield (Djarrawunang)

Vote 1 Group B above the line to re-elect Councillor Jessica D'Arenzio, and elect Jo Carlisle and Elayn James.

Marrickville HTV.png

Marrickville (Midjuburi)

Vote 1 Group B above the line to re-elect Councillor Mat Howard, and elect Leah Horsley and Christine Su-Manlutac.

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Authorised by Mark Drury, 69 Heighway Ave, Croydon, NSW, 2132

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